Quieren secuestrar a los bebes de Jlo – Angelina colapsa (Life&Style)

La nueva edición de la revista Life & Style tiene en su portada a Jennifer Lopez y a Angelina Jolie con el titular "Baby crisis", de acuerdo a L&S en el North Shore University Hospital in Mahasset, New York, donde Jlo está recluida y pronto dará a luz a sus gemelos, están alertas y con muchísima seguridad, pendiente por un "posible" secuestro o desaparición de los bebés (WTF!) Por otra parte afirman que una débil Angelina Jolie – quien se rumora está embarazada de gemelos – colapsó en el vuelo de Londres a Los Angeles (el 7 de febrero) y los paramédicos tuvieron que darle oxígeno. Supuestamente Angie comenzó a presentar tobillos hinchados, calambres en las piernas y sangraba por la nariz. Qué tal? Ok, esto se llama D-E-S-E-S-P-E-R-A-C-I-O-N. According to the New issue of Life & Style magazine, Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie have a Baby Crisis! The mag says that "the entire staff of North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y., was in a tizzy even before the arrival of Jennifer Lopez, and her security-conscious husband, Marc Anthony, insiders tell Life & Style. Reportedly stepped up its security drills, which involve locking down the hospital in case a baby is kidnapped or otherwise vanishes. “They practiced the alerts twice a week in early February,” says a staffer. “That definitely had to do with J.Lo.”“Babies have been kidnapped before,” a friend notes. “Jennifer had obvious concerns about security.” Meanwhile, on a flight from London to LA on Feb. 7, Angelina Jolie, who insiders say is more than three months pregnant with twins, “started to get swollen ankles and nosebleeds and started having leg cramps,” says an insider close to Brangelina. “She fainted into her seat.”

Jennifer Lopez y Angelina Jolie en la portada de Life&Style 

Aiiinnss… tan bello Johnny Depp "Vivo por mis niños" Nooo, y lo de Justin y Kate Hudson atrapados juntos!

 [tags]Jennifer+Lopez, Angelina+Jolie, Life+&+Style[/tags]

[bgs]Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez[/bgs]


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